HTML Codes

HTML Codes > Fonts > <FONT ...>
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Attribute for <FONT ...>
SIZE = integer

Usage Recommendation
Moving to Styles
This effect is done better with styles. See Break the <FONT> Habit

This information is presented for the sake of completion and historical accuracy. Don't use the <FONT ...> tag. It will make your life difficult. See Break the <FONT> Habit for an easy tutorial on styles. If you would like to learn how to set font sizes, see Font Size .
SIZE sets the size of the font. SIZE can have a value of 1 to 7, or -2 to +4. 3 indicates the "normal" size. The plus and minus values indicate a relative size to the current size.

this code produces this
<FONT SIZE=1>hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE=2>hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE=3>hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE=4>hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE=5>hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE=6>hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE=7>hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE="-2">hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE="-1">hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE="+1">hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE="+2">hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE="+3">hi there</FONT>
hi there
<FONT SIZE="+4">hi there</FONT>
hi there

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